Carla Hyde

Carla Hyde

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top 10 Silly Things About Me Doing a Triathlon

10. The first thing I thought of was "What will I wear?".
9. I have only ever ran when someone was chasing me.
8. One lap of swimming and I thought my lungs would crack.
7. The theme of Jaws keeps playing in my head while training in the gulf.
6. I can train and train and still gain weight.
5. I can't wear any make up during the race. (Maybe just a little lipstick).
4. Who is dumb enough to train for a triathlon in Florida in SUMMER?!
3. I just learned the divorce rate is really high in triathletes.
2. I can still fall off my bike standing still in my driveway.
And the #1 silly thing...
1. Maybe I SHOULD have gotten those breast implants for more buoyancy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Want Me To Do What?!

My friends at work have offered me a particular challenge of which I've never, ever seen myself doing. They challenged me to a MINI TRIATHLON! At 42 years old, this just didn't seem like something I SHOULD be doing. Hmmmmm, well then, maybe I should... I know what it's like to dig deep and find an inch of drive when it all seems to be gone. I've been there with flying trapeze and especially the aerial silks. So this can't be any harder right? Well 2 months into training and some bumps, scrapes, bruises, sore everything and lots of sweat (training in Florida in summer) I am feeling comfortable enough that I know I will at least finish!

Once in a while we have to challenge ourselves with something out of our comfort zone so we DO feel nervous, scared and uncomfortable. It lets us really feel we are living and creating ourselves. We are not all genetically blessed with incredible talents but facing our fears and working through our issues helps us grow and progress. We become more sensitive and more aware and ultimately we are in a better position to help others face their fears.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cell Phone Yoga?

Recently, a friend of mine told me of an experience she had in a yoga class. During class the yoga teacher had everyone in child's pose, he/she then proceeded to do some texting on a cell phone. The teacher never explained any reason to the class like someone close had a serious illness or something of a dire emergency, no it was general texting. Really...?? Do we have such an addiction to these phones that we can't even turn them off for an hour or two?!

Occasionally I hear a cell phone ring in my class. They are usually accidents (they forgot to silence them) but a couple times the students answered them. Again there was no dire emergency. I'm not sure if we need a new set of etiquette rules for cell phones or a reminder of why we do yoga in the first place, or both. This person probably never even thought there was anything wrong with multitasking while teaching yoga.
If we are truly in the present then distractions lose their pull on our attention. Yoga is supposed to help us wake up, stay focused, live mindfully and be present. We owe it to ourselves and others we come in contact with...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Livestrong Website for Health and Fitness

Here's a great website for health and weight maintenance, You will learn so much about foods and labels on the "Daily Plate" food journal section. Plus many many more fun and motivating features. It can track your calories, sodium, cholesterol, fiber, fat, carbs, protein, exercise, etc... in easy to read pie charts so you can really see what your eating on a daily basis. And the best part is it is free. As a Personal Trainer, I have referred many people to this site and have noted much success. Give it a look!!