Carla Hyde

Carla Hyde

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Change Is Growth

Change is growth, growth is success. That is a simplification but in terms of succeeding in life you must continually make changes to grow! Sometimes these changes are forced upon us like from our struggling economy. The challenge is to use the change to better ourselves, and most importantly to have a good attitude about it. Your attitude, pos or neg, sets the stage for either you feeling success or failure. In yoga, your attitude is crucial. It makes a difference between uncomfortable and GREAT!


  1. Yes, attitude. I have to remember that when I take my Bikram yoga class. If I stay focus and positive - like remind myself how good it is for my body to do these postures, I can make it through the class. When I start whining about how hot it is, I start to get light headed & have to sit out half the class!

  2. So many people fear change and pain. Even though pain is not a fun thing to experience, it in itself brings about change. The trick is to learn to embrace pain and change... because in it come growth... and we need that to be!

    Great words to live by Carla!
    Love ya,
